





美国SK机房--美国抗攻击机房。该机房硬件防火集群为多层防护集群,每层15G防御,总防御50G,分三层过滤。美国SK机房---美国抗DDOS机房,该机房带宽有10MB 100MB G口 甚至10G口带宽,带宽资源充足,有N家带宽提供商接入。总带宽 芝加哥SK 120G带宽接入 多家带宽提供商接入 可自由切换到国内的线路,保持机房的稳定。SK丹佛数据中心 带宽接入30G 分别为Tinet Telia TATA等多家带宽接入。


Sk Internet Services was established in 2003 in order to offer a complete package of high-transfer server hosting,DDOS Filtering DDOS Filtering and Managed Services at affordable prices. Our staff members have an average of 8 years work experience in the hosting industry and our goal is to provide quality service at the lowest possible price to our customers.

While most other companies fear services like IRC on their networks due the possibility of targeted DDOS attacks,we support and encourage IRC usage as it is a service. Restricting services does not resolve the underlying problems,but it temporarily hides and postpones them. Presently, DDOS is a serious threat that may occur on every internet service.We are very proud for having developed our proprietary filtering mechanism, which allows us to reduce and fix the cost of expensively branded filtering systems. Our proprietary filtering system gets improved on a daily basis and mitigates DDOS attacks, preventing them from affecting our customers' servers, using numerous methods.However, DDOS filtering (even using custom-made filtering mechanisms) requires high-end hardware equipment,which increases the operations cost to a business. While other firms attempt to turn a profit on every service they offer,we never have nor will charge for commodity based services. We proudly were the first hosting firm that for the provided DDOS filtered IPs at a low price. This forced the entire market to become sensible and eliminated them from charging thousands of dollars for a service that should remain low cost (if not free). In addition, we pioneered the DDOS mitigation industry in regards to low-cost.

We also offer one-time fee hardware upgrades (Memory / Storage) at cost, since we mainly target long-term customers and are not trying to make a profit from upgrades.We also were pioneers in providing dedicated servers ready for use, which included all software packages a WEB or IRC business could need. Our focus on servicing IRC businesses includes custom OS installations with optimized configuration and software packages that are installed by default. In addition, we also provide private access to a shared domain list for virtual-host creation and of course the installation of our proprietary scripts that helps the our administrators manage their servers more effectively.



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  • 机房大带宽
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